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Latest Sermon: “Marriage Matters”

Discussion Questions:

  1. What stood out to you the most from the sermon? Why do you think it resonated with you?

  2. How have cultural influences shaped your views on marriage and singleness? Have these views aligned with biblical teachings?

  3. Do you agree that there is often a misconception in churches that elevates marriage over singleness? Why or why not?

  4. How can we, as a community, better support and empower singles in our church?

  5. Paul mentions in 1 Corinthians 7 the importance of both marriage and singleness. How can we ensure that both are valued equally in our church?

  6. Have you ever struggled with placing importance on marriage or relationships above your relationship with God? How did you overcome this?

  7. How can we encourage a healthy balance between pursuing relationships and fully surrendering to God's plan for our lives?

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